Improve His credit score, set yourself goals:

Check your credit report every three months, the first step to improving your credit health is to see the bad financial habits (such as late payments) revealed by your credit profile. Regular checks also allow you to protect yourself against identity theft. Improve your credit score by 50 points or have it exceed 650: […]
Plan your financial strategy:

Start putting money aside in a savings account each month. Regardless of the amount of credit available to you: nothing is as good as money in the bank. Setting aside a fixed amount of money each month, you’ll know you can count on funds interest-free emergency – not to mention that this practice you […]
How to use and manage your credit?

So before visiting your dealer, lift the hood and inspect your credit rating. Get your credit report and make sure it is as clean and sparkling as beautiful car you covet. You can have the credit score and you need to negotiate a low interest rate for your loan. If your credit card has some […]
5 tips to improve his credit quickly:

Always pay your bills on time – Your payment history is one of the most important factors in determining your credit score. Your credit report follows the track of your payments so you can ensure that your history is impeccable. Use various types of credit active for an extended period – Time also plays […]
Update his credit report and get your score:

Order a copy of your credit report by going to the websites of the credit reporting agencies. This method is faster since you will receive your credit report only minutes after your request Dispute the inaccuracies in your credit profile: do not let the misstatement hurt your credit reputation. Do remove your profile maturing […]
Actual credit applications and requests harmless: what is the difference?

There are two main types of applications: the actual demands and requests harmless. When making a mortgage loan, car loan or other type of credit, the creditor has the right to request your credit profile. This is a real demand which may have impact on your credit score. Actual applications may also be made by […]
Myth on credit:

We have all heard the same rumors that talk about our neighbors, relatives or friends. There are plenty of myths about what you should do and not do to improve your credit profile and credit score. Finally we throw some light on those myths! We exposed these “urban legends” to give you the truth and […]
In debt and borrowing

The best loan to take out in a situation of debt is without doubt a debt consolidation. If, however, your goal is not to take out a loan in order to be less in debt, there are several independent lenders that will give you a loan at a higher interest rate than normal. In general, […]
With good credit , shop the best rates !!

There are so many banks today that competition forces them to offer better rates than their competitors. Shop, shop, and shop. This might require you to spend a morning on the phone, but in the end you’ll come out with your money. Let credit companies know, when you call them, that such and such company […]
The key to property? Good credit

You should have a good credit file. You should also have a comfortable salary for at least a year, or for three years if you are self-employed. Banks will analyze your liabilities and assets in order to define whether you are relatively in debt. In reality, a maximum of 25% of your salary ought to […]